27 June 2008

Salsa, Oil & Bread...

Buying bread is something we do almost every day here in Andalucia - always good to have with your tapas, main meal or salad for mopping up that olive oil or salsa!

In Orce village you purchase your bread from the local supermarket or one of many vans that do their daily rounds, there is even a local resident - our man "Pedro" who still bakes in an old fashioned oven before setting off in his car with a boot full of hot fresh bread.

Local bread in the kitchen window..

The good thing about fresh bread is the taste and flavour, delicious splashed with a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil. Even the day after when not so fresh you can still use a big slice for an Andalucian "tostada"

When you absolutely must have fresh bread!:

Salsa dishes
Salad dishes
Paella dishes
Marinaded meat dishes
With olive oil...

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