Serrano ham and chinese fan mushroom omelette, sounds very classy but is an incredibly simple dish to make. Unlike the Spanish "Tortilla" (recipe) a simple omelette is much thinner and not so much of a main meal like the tremendous tortilla which, it has to said takes a great deal more culinary skill to get right!

Ingredients: (serves 4)
6 large eggs
200g Serrano ham sliced into small thin pieces
100g fan mushrooms
2 spring onions
50 - 60g grated cheese
Pepper to taste
How to Cook:
1. Wipe the mushrooms clean and chop into small pieces, slice the spring onions.
2. Using a fork, beat the eggs together with a little milk and season with black pepper, add the grated cheese.
3. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and add the ham and mushrooms, cook for a few minutes until the mushrooms are tender.
4. Add the eggs and the spring onions.
5. Cook over a high heat, and using a spatula pull the edges of the omelette into the middle tilting the pan as you go so the liquid eggs run into the space. Do this for a few minutes until only a tiny bit of liquid is left in the centre. Remove from the pan and allow to rest for a few minutes (the remaining runny bit of egg will finish off cooking)
6. Serve immediately.
Hey although I am not an egg person this looks too good to pass ya :D
Shionge: Eaeeesy tapas!
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