16 May 2008

Spanish Sausages

Spanish sausages, especially the chorizo are rapidly gaining an enviable reputation as being some of the finest produced in the world. Cured sausages or "embutidos" can be found hanging by the dozen in all butchers in southern Spain and many other regions with most butchers curing their own sausages and hams.

Here we have a typical display with everything from chorizo's, salchichon, salchicha, relleno and morcon.

These snaps were taken whilst "product hunting" in a small town called Huescar in North East Granada, as always the owner was more than accommodating giving every detail possible and obviously selling "the best" produce!

For more on Spanish sausages visit the online deli or for a little more info on the history and production read the article - Spanish Sausages - The Secrets

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