There are a few ways to make a roast chicken interesting, a chicken thrown in the oven with no seasoning or addition of flavours can be...well, a little on the boring side. This recipe puts a nice Spanish twist on your roast chicken.
1 Whole chicken
2tsp Hot paprika
Olive oil
2 large tomatoes
100g sliced chorizo
600g chickpeas
8 sliced garlic cloves

Place your chicken into a large cazuela and rub well with the olive oil, paprika and a little salt and pepper. Cook for 45 minutes.
Remove the chicken from the oven and the cazuela and place the tomatoes, chickpeas and garlic into the bottom - place the chicken on top with some sliced chorizo, baste with the meat juices and return to the oven for another 45 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the chicken again and mash the tomatoes etc. Serve with a selection of vegetables.

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