Spanish recipe for lamb - Cordero segureno is a fine lamb produced in and around the village of Orce, the quality is regarded as one of the best in the whole of Spain. For this recipe we have used Asturian cider - there are two types of cider both bottle fermented but the "extra" which is slightly stronger packs a little more flavour.

1 large leg of lamb about 2 1/2 kg
6 garlic cloves roughly squashed (skins left on)
4 apples, cored and quartered
500ml Asturian cider
Extra virgin olive oil
4-5 sprigs of thyme or rosemary
Juice of half a lemon
Salt and pepper
500ml Chicken or lamb stock

1. Preheat the oven to high then score the lamb in a criss-cross pattern, drizzle with a little olive oil and rub in salt and pepper.
2. Put the lamb in a deep roasting tin and add the garlic and herbs, pour over the lemon juice, add an extra drizzle of olive oil and cook in the hot oven for about 20 minutes.
3. After 25-30 minutes, turn the heat right down and remove the leg of lamb. Place the apples into the tin and pour in the cider and return to the oven for about an hour.
4. When the lamb is cooked, remove from the tin and place onto a cutting board, cover with foil and leave to rest while you prepare the sauce.
5. Place a sieve over a pan and tip in the contents of the roasting tin (everything will be nice and soft) into the sieve, squashing down so you get out the juices.
6. Discard the pulp remaining and add the stock to the pan with the juices, boil until the sauce is the thickness you like.
7. Carve the lamb and serve with the sauce and fresh greens and potatoes.

Oooh... roast lamb is something I haven't really try yet. So tempted to roast one soon... Maybe for Christmas I will try your recipe. hehe...
Do try the lamb dish Cutie - any variation of roast lamb is packed full of flavour, its quite unique and a thouroughly enjoyable meal :)
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