24 June 2013

Avocado Salad

I remember as a kid not liking avocado very much at all, one vague memory and it has to be said very 'eightees' was being served prawn cocktail in an avocado ~ the prawn cocktail was great...

Now though things are very different, the local greengrocer in our Spanish village has some cracking avocados and we regularly use them in salads, avaocados are full of fibre which also makes them quite filling and being served cold in a summer salad is great for sumething fresh and healthy in the heat of the Spanish sun!

For a salad recipe that serves 2 you will need one avaocado, 1 big beef tomato and a spring onion. Chop up the ingredients, drizzle with a little lemon juice (also stops the avocado turning brown) and a punchy extra virgin olive oil of choice. Delicious.

Need some tips on prepping an avocado? Take a look at our step by step guide ~ How to Prepare Avocado

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