Another very simple salad for the summer, in fact if we translated this salads title given to us from the ever popular La Mimbrera eatery it would be the most complicated thing about it... "Andalucian Mountain Ham Fruit Salad with Extra Virgin Olive Oil"

So, two tricks to this simple salad.. 1) the fruit must be directly from the fridge and 2) use a fruity,aromatic extra virgin olive oil
Peaches, nectarines, melon, apple and grapes are always good with serrano ham. Simply cube the fruit (halve grapes if using them) and slice your ham very thinly - cut each carved slice into one inch flat squares. Mix together and get those fruit flavours all over the ham. Have your olive oil standing by in a separate bottle. Typically eaten using "palillos" (toothpicks)
Olive oil on fruit? Absolutely! Just make sure its a good one and be prepared for a lovely flavour combination.
Now for something much more complicated....In England it is good luck to have your horse shoe like this:

In Spain however they have their horse shoes like this for good luck:

So which way up? Decisions....
In England it is actually BAD LUCK to have your horse shoe upside down like the Spanish one because your luck will run out!
Love the combination of ham, fruit and olive oil.
Hi Sheffy,
The fruit salad is very refreshing, especially after a bbq or eating outdoors. Our horse shoes in the UK were always, well, the traditional way! On occasion we have some of the locals around to eat - you can hear a distinct grumble when they see the horse shoe the wrong way up, perhaps we should display them sideways..
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