This recipe is a very economical way to enjoy some good beef and is packed with flavour. Beef is not used in Spanish meat recipes as much as pork and lamb however at less than 4.00 euros for a large beef rib it makes for a nice meal to feed a family of three.
1 Beef Rib (cut into segments)
2 Green Peppers
1 Large Onion
500ml Beer/Ale
1 Garlic Bulb
2 Large Potatoes

1) Slice the onions, peppers and potatoes and place into a tray
2) Break up the garlic bulb but leave the cloves whole with skin on - add to the tray
3) Pour in the Beer
4) Season with salt and pepper, you can also add a little Rosemary.
5) Cook in the oven on a low heat for 3 hours

Winter cooking in Andalucia - lots of firewood required! Pictured above is pine which is cut down to create fire breaks. Almond or Olive is a harder wood though, lasts longer and is great for the stove when cooking winter recipes like casseroles, leg of lamb, beef etc.
Next up: Crema Catalana Liquor.
A wood burning stove is oh! so cosy and the smell of the wonderful food cooking counjures up such a vision in my mind.......
It devours wood Sheffy but luckily in the cave we don't have to use it that regularly due to the insulation, still nice when its cold outside though.
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