Spanish Turron. Turron is very popular at Christmas time in Spain. Turron comes is various types and recipes are followed to the letter with regard to classification ie: to boast the "Calidad Suprema" the turron must meet content guidlines.

The origin of turrón is said to go back over five hundred years when the first example of this gorgeous sweet was first created by the Moors in the small town of Jijona, north of Alicante. Jijona and turrón still go hand in hand today, the town is famous for its production and it is home to the turrón museum where the most famous and expensive brand of turrón, 1880 can be found.
Jijona and Alicante turrón are the most well known types of turrón, named after the location where they were created. Turrón de Alicante is the hard, nougat type, so full of almonds that it would crumble if any more were squeezed in. Turrón de Jijona, sometimes called the original turrón is soft and sticky, a bit like fudge.

Nearing Christmas, you can always tell when the festive season approaches when the mountains get snow capped. This is "La Sagra" today, its a bit chilly! Somewhere on the top of that mountain is a mast bouncing our internet signal to a satellite miles up in the sky. There is also a restaurant - the best in the area on the highest mountain in the region. The views are mind blowing.

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